The Life of a Clutch: Understanding Clutch Repair and Maintenance | in Tacoma, Puyallup, and Spanaway, WA | Austin’s Pro Max

The Lifespan of a Clutch: How Long Can You Expect It to Last?

Clutch Replacement vs. Repair: Which Option is Right for You?

The ABCs of Clutch Repair: Everything You Need to Know

The clutch is a complex component of your vehicle responsible for engaging and disengaging your car's powertrain and transmission between several rotating shafts. Part of how long your clutch will last will depend on your driving habits and variables like the car make and mount model, the type of traffic you drive in, and the brand of the clutch and its components. A good clutch will likely last you between 30,000 and 100,000 miles if you don't have drive-train complications.

Signs Your Clutch Needs Repair: Don't Ignore These Warning Signs

It's typical for an average clutch to last between 30,000 and 100,000 miles. However, most will last you about 60,000 miles before needing to be replaced. The less you use your clutch, the less wear and tear on it, and the longer its lifespan. If you notice that your clutch pedal has become soft or spongy, or if you're having trouble shifting your car into any gear, it's possible that your clutch needs to be replaced. You may notice that your gears have begun to slip if your clutch is wearing out or there's a burning smell when the clutch slips. If your vehicle is making noises when you press the clutch, it's a sign of a problem with the clutch system. Remember that your driving habits play a big role in the lifespan of a clutch. The less stress you put on the clutch, the longer it will last. Consider driving your car on the highway rather than in traffic downtown. You'll want to use the break rather than the clutch to control your vehicle speed to extend the life of your clutch. It would help if you did not ride the clutch under any circumstances. Instead, take the car out of gear, engage the brake, and put it in neutral until you're ready to go. Expect that clutch repair will take up to 8 hours of labor to complete. As such, it's expected that you have to pay for about 8 hours of labor for such a repair.

Bring Your Clutch Problems to Us

Austin's Promax has the mechanics you need to handle any make or model of vehicle that requires repair. We provide a personal auto care experience. The mechanics here have spent years fine-tuning their processes and standards and will continue to do that for many years. Our talented staff will present you with a service plan based on your vehicle's needs and your budget. Once you have the service plan in hand, we hand it over to you and to our technicians and let them get to work. You'll be comfortable in our heated waiting room that provides you with television and Wi-Fi. Once they're finished, the staff provides you with a detailed explanation of everything that was done to your vehicle and explain it to you so that any additional questions are answered. Call us at one of our three Tacoma, Washington, area locations and set an appointment to ensure your clutch is operating correctly. You'll be glad you did.

Written by Austin's Pro Max

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